Dry wall hooks are becoming increasingly popular with our customers.
They are great for digging in and finding the hidden fires in not only drywall
but plaster as well.

unit we stock is made by Reliable Fire Products. As you can see by the
picture to the left, the tool head is a fairly aggressive piece of equipment.
The entire head is fabricated from 3/16" steel plate that is plasma cut and
formed. The blade on the top is also made of 3/16" steel plate. The
forward, vertical edge and the rearward, slanted edge of the blade are both
beveled to provide cutting edges to gain a purchase in the wall. The tool
can then be turned around and the teeth used to rip away large sections of
drywall.The fiberglass reinforced plastic handle
is 1-1/4" in diameter with a heavy wall thickness for maximum strength and light
weight. The "D" handle grip is standard
as well.
Drywall hooks are not limited to ripping out drywall, they
can also be used as rakes or hoes during cleanup. As with any tool a fire
department uses, imagination is really the only limit to what you can do with
Reliable Fire Products drywall hooks come in these
- 3' with "D" Handle
- 4' with "D" Handle
- 6' with "D" Handle