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These new hide-away LED heads from Sho Me are very bright.
Best yet, the red heads put out a very intense red unlike colored strobe bulbs
which have only a faint trace of color when behind a clear lens. Now you
can have attention getting red flashing from your headlights.
- Fits in 1” diameter hole
in front or rear vehicle lights.
- Nine high-intensity LEDs
in each light head.
- In-line LED flasher module
controls 19 flash patterns.
- Multiple unit
- LED light heads come in
amber, blue, red & white. (Note: We stock red and
clear only)
- Kits include LED light
heads with 6” pigtail cables, 6’ extension cable, LED flasher module with 8’
cable, gaskets and mounting hardware.
- Pre-wired cable.
- Existing strobe extension
cables can be used to facilitate installation.
19 Flash Patterns
Single (alternating)
Double (alternating)
Quad (alternating)
Quint (alternating)
MEGA (alternating)
Ultra (alternating)
Single - Quad (alternating)
Single H/L (alternating)
Single (simultaneous)
Double (simultaneous)
Quad (simultaneous)
Quint (simultaneous)
MEGA (simultaneous)
Ultra (simultaneous)
Single - Quad (simultaneous)
Single H/L (simultaneous)
Steady 2 (CA)
Steady 4 (simultaneous)